The multifaceted world I thought about when the breaker tripped

It’s been cold lately.

In my house, electricity usage is increasing in proportion to how often we use the heater.

The other day,

there was a power outage the moment I turned on the following appliances:

  • air conditioner
  • TV
  • microwave
  • water heater
  • coffee maker

at the same time.

At that time, the electricity was restored by flipping the breaker switch.

However, after the power outage, I thought about what would happen if the electricity was not available forever.

  • Internet not available
  • Electrical and communication devices not available
  • Unable to withdraw money, unable to make payments involving communication
    (No means of exchange)
  • Transportation paralyzed

Suddenly, the conveniences of civilization become useless.

Daily worries are left far away, and

  • Securing food and water

become the most important issue for survival.
(In that case, would we really be able to exchange food and water for money?)

We live our daily lives assuming that various infrastructures are operating stably.

But is the world operating stably the true picture, or just a temporary one?

When the breaker tripped, the way I saw the world changed, as if a switch had been flipped.

The fact is that humanity has survived even without infrastructure.
(Though they probably wouldn’t live as long as we do now)

Being able to adapt to an environment where the prerequisites change completely is an important factor in survival.
(I’m grateful to live in an environment with well-developed infrastructure)

It seems that switches that change the world lurk everywhere.

都築太郎税理士事務所/Tsuzuki Taro Tax Accountant Office
