Random note
My perspective on money sometimes change新着!!
Everyone is happy to receive cash (unless it is illegal). I think many people were especially happy when they […]
The multifaceted world I thought about when the breaker tripped
It’s been cold lately. In my house, electricity usage is increasing in proportion to how often we use th […]
The ideal way to spend money is to benefit both parties
I saw a crepe shop in a food court the other day. It was a one-person operation.(I hope this was a sudden even […]
The beauty of handmade
I bought a new plate. The colorful plates have some disadvantages: But they also add a vibrant color to any fo […]
The overwhelming spatial proportion of the sky
It was a sunny day for the first time in a while, so I grabbed my outdoor chair and went for a walk. The tempe […]
Considering circulation from the time axis of vacant houses or ruins
The problem of vacant houses is a big headache. There are vacant houses here and there in my neighborhood. Asi […]
Finding art in everyday life
What is art? It often refers to paintings, artworks, and exhibits. But is that all ? For example, imagine we g […]
Continue to provide what we can do, what we have decided, and what is important to us
I went to a soba restaurant that I had been interested in for a while. It is a small, cozy restaurant run by a […]
Change our environment to find out our habits
Habits are unconscious actions, and it is not easy to notice them on our own. Like shortcut keys on a computer […]
The elements of efficiency are hidden in the things we don’t want to do
In our daily lives, there are things we want to do and things we don’t want to do. When it comes to thin […]