Way of thinking(English)

Way of thinking(English)
If we are unsure of which option to choose, choose the one that excites us

In everyday life, it is inevitable to make decisions by choosing from a number of options. Each option has its […]

Way of thinking(English)
Don’t hesitate to change your mood

There are times when work doesn’t go smoothly. When I worked in a company, I basically did desk work and […]

Way of thinking(English)
Consider ups and downs over a longer time scale

Uncertainty is something that cannot be completely eliminated from daily life. This can lead to physical and m […]

Way of thinking(English)
When starting something new, keep a record of how many days you were able to continue.

Half a year has passed since the start of 2024. The second half of the year will begin in July. You may take t […]

Way of thinking(English)
Think about the fact that we are making choices every second of every day [The future branches with each choice]

No matter what we do or do, time passes by inorganically. Every second in daily life, we continue to choose to […]

Way of thinking(English)
Even if we stop midway, if we restart, it is an interruption and it continues

Sometimes we start something, like a job or a hobby, and then stop after a while. There would be various reaso […]

Way of thinking(English)
It is important to have the energy to be excited every day

Living in a busy and desolate environment every day, ・Irregular events ・Case that we have never experienced If […]

Way of thinking(English)
Quiet time is also important

Stillness and movement are antonyms, but both are important states. However, I feel that “movement&#8221 […]

Way of thinking(English)
Decide not to do something before deciding to do something

At the beginning of the year, each person’s goal for the year are often talked. I was listening to the r […]

Way of thinking(English)
Don’t think too much about efficiency when it comes to things you’re interested in.

In these days when efficiency is required, some people may feel constrained. A certain level of efficiency is […]
