Considering circulation from the time axis of vacant houses or ruins

The problem of vacant houses is a big headache.

There are vacant houses here and there in my neighborhood.

Aside from the problems they pose, when I see a vacant house, I sometimes think about the timeline.

Houses are built, families live in them, children grow up and move away, and then all people leave from houses.

When I see a vacant house, which part of the timeline is highlighted depends on my own feelings at the time.
(When I come across ruins, I often imagine the bustle of the past and feel nostalgic.)

  • A bustling time in the past
  • Its lonely present
  • Its future appearance
    (Will it remain as it is, will it be demolished and turned into grass, or will a new building be built and a new family live there?)

The current appearance makes me imagine what it will be like in the past and the future.

Even things that are currently bustling will eventually fall into disuse over time, and then be reborn.

It seems to encourage metabolism.

Even if the vacant houses that exist today were left as they are, they would weather over a long period of time (hundreds? thousands? tens of thousands of years?) and shrink down to atomic size.

This would become the source of new substances.
(If we look at water at a molecular level, it may not have changed since ancient times.)

Looking at the vacant houses, I was reminded of the grandeur of the fact that I myself live within this cycle.

都築太郎税理士事務所/Tsuzuki Taro Tax Accountant Office
