If the conditions change, our judgment will change even if we see the same thing.

People tend to dislike rain.

  • Have to carry an umbrella
  • Outdoor activities are restricted
  • Road congestion
  • High humidity makes it uncomfortable to live, food spoils easily

The impacts are wide-ranging.

However, there are some advantages as well:

  • Heavy rain provides a moment of coolness during the scorching heat
  • Vegetables and rice grow
  • Water resources are secured
  • Stores are less crowded than on sunny days

It’s common for some cafes to be empty on rainy days.
(This may not only be due to the rain, but also because it’s weekday.)

The way we perceive things depends on our

  • the environment we belong to
  • the information we are exposed to
  • the experiences we have had

If the above conditions change, our judgments and perceptions will change dramatically even when we see the same thing.

Diverse opinions have their own validity from the perspective of each individual worldview.

As a compromise to bring together differing opinions, the following ideas tend to gain support:

  • Majority
  • Rational

However, we must not forget that there are many different worldviews.
(Whether or not we accept these worldviews is a separate issue.)

However, being exposed to a variety of worldviews and feeling stressed is not good for health.

It’s difficult to find the right balance between not being too small and not being too broad.

都築太郎税理士事務所/Tsuzuki Taro Tax Accountant Office
