Minimum things to do when saving electronic transaction data (if there are unavoidable circumstances)
From January 2024, electronic transaction data must be stored as electronic data.
It took less than two months to begin this new system.
However, even if it is not possible to respond from January, if there are unavoidable circumstances (system cannot be prepared in time, lack of manpower, lack of funds, etc.), it is sufficient to meet certain requirements.
This time, I will write about how to handle electronic transaction data when there are unavoidable circumstances.
Keep electronic transaction data intact
The minimum thing you should do is to keep electronic transaction data as data without erasing it.
・Data sent and received via email and chat
・Inquiry for transaction data directly from the site
(If the storage period is limited (for example, you can only check transaction data up to two years ago), you will need to download and save the data from the original site.)
It is required that these data are saved as electronic transaction data without being deleted.
And upon request during a tax investigation,
・Print transaction data
・Download transaction data
It is OK if you are able to do so.
Is it possible to print electronic transaction data and save it in paper form?
If you print electronic transaction data and save it in paper form, others may not know whether the original data is electronic or paper.
However, in this day and age, there are not many companies that exchange all transaction data in paper.
It is not realistic to prove that everything is communicated in paper.
It probably doesn’t give a very good impression during a tax investigation, if you insist so.
When you exchange transaction data online, it is essential that you retain the electronic transaction data.
In conclusion
This time, I wrote about how to handle electronic transaction data when there are unavoidable circumstances.
If it is difficult to meet the requirements according to the system, take action by focusing on the points that should not be omitted.
都築太郎税理士事務所/Tsuzuki Taro Tax Accountant Office