Decide not to do something before deciding to do something

At the beginning of the year, each person’s goal for the year are often talked.

I was listening to the radio and a topic like this came up.

The personality on a radio program said,

“Before you decide to do something, you have to decide to quit something.”

I certainly agree what he said.

Time is limited to 24 hours, so if we pile up things to do, we will eventually become overwhelmed.

In our busy life, even if we try to do new things, we will not have enough time to do them, and as a result, we’re not be able to continue doing them for a long time.

In order to sustain something new to do, it is important to stop what we are currently doing and free up time.
(However, reducing sleep time to create more time is not recommended as it is not sustainable. It can be helped if it is a short-term concentrated effort.)

Also, it is less difficult to quit what we are currently doing than to decide to do something new.
(We need to find something new to do on our own, but quitting means just stopping something we are currently doing.)

Before starting something, it is recommended to stop what you are currently doing first.

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