Change our environment to find out our habits
Habits are unconscious actions, and it is not easy to notice them on our own.
Like shortcut keys on a computer, we are programmed to skip thinking and act in the shortest time to achieve our goals.
For example, if we move house and the layout of our things changes, our habits will surface.
When we suddenly look at the clock to check the time, the clock is not there, but has moved.
(Even though the object is gone, we unconsciously look in the direction of the old place (for example, above the living room window).)
Since our body remembers where the clock is, we look in the place where it should be as a habit.
In addition, when looking for dishes or cups, we tend to unconsciously look in the place where it should have been in the previous room layout.
(For example, looking for a cup near the coffee maker)
Once we change our environment, our own behavioral habits will surface and we will be able to recognize them ourselves.
This applies not only to behavioral habits, but also to thinking habits.
(This depends on the information we take in and our surroundings.)
Even when looking at the same thing or phenomenon, each person’s perception of it would vary greatly.
It’s interesting to experience a different environment from usual from time to time, as it can help us become aware of our own habits.
都築太郎税理士事務所/Tsuzuki Taro Tax Accountant Office