The ideal way to spend money is to benefit both parties

I saw a crepe shop in a food court the other day.

It was a one-person operation.
(I hope this was a sudden event, not normarized)

-Taking orders




All were done by one person.

As a result, a line quickly formed.

Even if I had a desire to eat a crepe, the feeling of guilt at putting a burden on the employee would win out.
(My ideal is to spend money in a way that satisfies the interests of both parties as much as possible, rather than placing a one-sided burden on the person who pays the money, thinking that they are superior. This is purely self-indulgent, as it is difficult to see potential)

Moving on to another restaurant.

We ordered a course meal, and the food came out one after the other without waiting, while checking our eating pace.

I noticed that there were plenty of people working in the dining area.

I was able to spend a very good time in an environment where I could talk to workers in the dining area without worrying about how busy they were.

Each restaurant has different conditions such as


・profit margins

・types of menu items

But it seemed to me that the cycle of receiving service without hesitation and paying money in return satisfied the interests of both parties.
(I hope that the employees were not overworked and paid low wages.)

When exchanging goods for goods, the principle is equivalent exchange, and the relationship should be equal.

都築太郎税理士事務所/Tsuzuki Taro Tax Accountant Office
