Curiosity comes before monetary value

In the days when there were no maps, many people probably wondered what was beyond the ocean.

When we actually see the ocean, we can’t see anything beyond it by location.

However, when we see a target of some kind, we sometimes get interested in going to the target.
(Whether we go or not)

The act of navigating the ocean without a destination is driven by curiosity.

I think that in the past, people took risks and went out to sea, aiming for something that might or might not exist on the other side of the ocean.
(Probably amid oppositions from various people)

I believe that all values and living environments will continue to change as long as we have the curiosity to try new discoveries from nothing, regardless of monetary value.
(Accordingly, the monetary value also changes depending on the evaluation of the times.)

I respect the person who was the first to eat oysters, regardless of the risks, and who went out of his or her way to tell people that oysters are edible.
(I couldn’t eat oysters the first time I saw them.)

Curiosity can be the trigger to dramatically change the future.

I would like to continue to cherish the things I am interested in.

都築太郎税理士事務所/Tsuzuki Taro Tax Accountant Office
