Don’t hesitate to change your mood

There are times when work doesn’t go smoothly.

When I worked in a company, I basically did desk work and was glued to my desk.

If I wanted to move away from my desk, I needed some reason.

When I wasn’t in the mood, it wasn’t easy to get away from my desk and go shopping or take a walk.

As a result, I couldn’t change my mood well, and I fell into a negative cycle of:

  • Work doesn’t go smoothly
  • Trying to do my best despite not making much progress
  • Getting tired
  • Feeling sleepy
  • Work doesn’t go smoothly again

However, now that I’m independent, I can make decisions freely, unlike when I was working for a company.

If I’m not making much progress at work and I find myself stuck on one thing for too long, I don’t hesitate to move to a different place and change my environment.

I go for a drive or a walk while I’m shopping, take a nap, or take a snack break.

If I still can’t change my mood, I leave it to myself the next day and call it a day.
(It’s important to create a schedule that allows me some leeway on a daily basis.)

I prioritize getting a good night’s sleep and relieving myself.

I make much faster progress on work that I tackle the next day with a clear head.

Continuing and not giving up is often considered an aesthetic, but if we take it too far, we could end up pushing ourselves into a corner.

When it comes to sustainability, it’s important to have the option to stop or give up.

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